Yakshi Ocampo

Arlynn Riquelme-Real Estate.

Logo Design.

Business Cards.

Social Media Posts.

Arlynn Riquelme is a real estate agent who specializes in luxury living in Chicago, IL. She reached out looking for a logo design, business cards and a few posts for her socials, in order to get the word out on her new business ventures.

For her logo design, I went with Bodoni, a classic serif font to align with her elegant, professional persona. I made sure the A and R had equal asymmetry by elongating opposite legs in order to create strong brand recognition and allow for the full name logo to highlight her initials.

For the descriptor “real estate” text, I used Corbel, a clean, modern font that is unobtrusive to her name. The mix of fonts and serifs creates a clear distinction between the brand and her services; reinforcing versatility.

Software: Corel Draw. Illustrator.

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